Pigtronix Effects

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PIGTRONIX EP-1 Envelope Phaser

Ridiculously FAT, Funky Tone for Guitar, Bass, Keys, Turntables, Laptops and Studios.

Pigtronix EP-1 Envelope Phaser features an incredibly fat and vocal, touch sensitive envelope phaser as well as a deep and chewy, univibe style rotary phaser with enough controls to dial in your own special sauce.

The EP-1 is an expressive, flexible, dynamic effect with a warm analog personality, versatile tone palette and a stage friendly interface.

EP-1’s "EF trigger" input allows an instrument’s sound to be phase modulated by an external audio source such as a drum machine or laptop beat. This side chain input can even be used as an FX loop for maintaining accurate envelope response when using other effects in line before the EP-1.

The Envelope Phaser also features footswitchable phase inversion, expression pedal speed control for mind bending rotary speaker effects and can even be used as a clean analog fat booster.

Destined to be the modulation effect of choice for many guitarists and bass players looking or that elusive "liquid tone" the EP-1 will also find itself at home in the hands of scratch DJs, laptop musicians and recording engineers.

Uses included (US 120vAC) 12vAC power supply.
We may be able to supply a Euro or UK power supply for $20.

EP-1 Audio Demos Page

Features Diagram

Video Demo - windows media or mac quicktime

Tech Tips Page

Price $220

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OFO Disnortion

New in 2006 is the DISNORTION

The Pigtronix OFO Disnortion features a touch sensitive Overdrive, Fuzz with 6 different filters and frequency doubling, Octava. Each effect is an original design and can each be used independently or in combinations to forge a tremendous range of musically responsive distortion sounds.

The unique magic of the Pigtronix OFO parallel Fuzz and Overdrive, allowing you to pile on the gain without sacrificing clarity, dynamic response, punch or low end. Well voiced tone and shape controls allow you to focus each effect on its own frequency range.

The Octava is wired in series before the Overdrive and Fuzz, allowing the pedal to produce a unique type of gated, gnarly grind that is absolutely devastating.

In keeping with the Pigtronix tradition, our Disnortion pedal is Extremely Low Noise and all of the controls are tuned to provide the widest musical range from each circuit.

An additional buffered output provides a clean signal for parallel processing, direct recording or a side-chain trigger source for the Pigtronix EP-1.

Here is some info on each of the circuits in the Pigtronix OFO Disnortion:

Overdrive: We can assure you that there has never been an Overdrive quite like this. The Pigtronix Overdrive responds to the dynamics of your playing using a proprietary, 5-stage gain architecture that retains the natural tone of your instrument, while gradually breaking up as you play louder. Our circuit is so touch sensitive, it has been described as “...more tube than tube.” You must hear it to believe it! From Clean or Gritty Boost right up through Plexi roar, the Pigtronix Overdrive is the most musical Overdrive ever made.

Fuzz: Massive Gain, Full Bodied Sustain and Flexible Tone Shapes define our FUZZ effect. Pigtronix’s unique version of diode-clipping provides plenty of compression and controllable feedback while preserving the dynamics of your playing style. The rotary tone control switch provides 6 musical EQ curves: Bass, Scoop, Treble, Smooth, F.A.T., and Full Range. The Pigtronix Fuzz can go from Clean Boost to Hair Raising, Shred Fisted, Freak Out Pandemonium!

Octava: This frequency doubler effect makes the notes you play sound one octave up. A Filter control allows you to achieve singing octave up tones without adjusting your guitar’s tone control. Stable intervals such as 4ths and power chords result in knarly, tweezed out grind, while other intervals create ring-modulator textures in all registers. The Octava is wired in series with the other two effects for harmonic filled lead tones and outlandish bizarre crunch. Combine the Octava with both Fuzz + Overdrive and... fuggettaboutit!

In stock for $189.

For easy ordering, check out our new website buyanalogman.com . The new website uses a shopping cart for everything so it's very easy to buy multiple items or add in options. It allows using paypal in addition to several other payment methods including credit cards. It also keeps track of status, tracking numbers, etc and allow editing orders after they are placed so it's best to use our new website.

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